In April 2011, I once again arrived on the Farallon National Wildlife Refuge to start another season of seabird research working with PRBO Conservation Science. In my seventh and perhaps last season, I decided to start a photo a day challenge for myself. The challenge is to share a new and interesting photo for each day I am on the island this year.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Day 87: Finale
Well it's that time. Unfortunately, I am done for the season and leaving the island tomorrow. Farallon photo a day will be on permanent hiatus. I know I will be back at some point, but I will not be doing an entire seabird season next year. It's tough to leave knowing that but I know I'm incredibly lucky to have spent the last seven summers out here. I hope you have enjoyed the journey this year. Perhaps I will see you on some future adventure. Thanks for joining me!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Day 86: Rising Risso's
These are Risso's dolphins, one of the most commonly spotted species around the island. They're the largest dolphin (besides the Orca) and they have tall relatively straight dorsal fins that are similar in shape to an Orca. They often look light gray due to extensive surface scaring. The pod we came across yesterday was about 20 individuals including one mom and very small calf. The calf was stuck to its mom's side like glue.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Day 85: Lag time
Another picture from our boat trip yesterday. These are Pacific White-sided Dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, Lag for short). These dolphins are easy to see because they are very curious and love to bow ride. They come to the boat and use the waves it creates to play in. We actually had a small group of these dolphins following us for quite a ways yesterday.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Day 84: Whaling
We had some spectacular weather today and we took advantage of it to get out in the boat and do a little pelagic survey. Just a few miles from the island, we ran into all kinds of amazing wildlife. We had Humpback whales, Risso's dolphins, Pacific white-sided dolphins, Sooty Shearwaters, Northern Fulmars and a single Black-footed Albatross. The waters around the island attract these critters from all over the world. The Shearwaters breed in New Zealand, the Humpbacks are from Mexico and Central America, Albatross breed in Hawaii, and Northern Fulmars come from Alaska and Canada. It's quite an international community.
Day 83: Changes
Seabird season is winding down. Most of our studies are nearly complete, the chicks fledged, the data entered and proofed. So we reluctantly said goodbye to some of our crew yesterday. Three returned to the real world, Greg and Amy (left side) and Katie (green jacket). We had a great time with them this summer and wish them well in their future endeavors. We did add one new crew member, Adam, who will be taking over any seabird studies that are ongoing when the transition to the Fall crew occurs in a few weeks.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Day 82: Puppy Love
California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) pups are everywhere right now. This little guy was causing quite a ruckus in his pile o'Sea Lion. He was jumping on every other pup he could find and wrestling them into submission. Pretty cute to watch I have to say. We had a recent uptick in Zalophus numbers, their numbers tripled in the last week to just under 10,000. Most of these are adults coming in from colonies. Usually when we have high numbers like this it is because they aren't breeding/ failed breeding elsewhere.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Day 81: Guillemot gang
Pigeon Guillemots are furiously feeding their chicks right now. Chicks are big, getting ready to fledge, and eating up a storm. PIGU's generally feed small fish that they find close to shore so they feed frequently. This makes them regular targets of gulls trying to steal their fish. You will often see PIGU's sitting on a rock with a fish in their bill, waiting for the gull by their crevice to get distracted so they can sneak in to feed their chick.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Day 80: Guadalupe Version
Okay, we're on a roll with our storm-petrels. We netted again last night and caught yet another unusual visitor. This time it's a subspecies of the Leach's Storm-petrel. We catch Leach's here regularly and we know small numbers of them breed here. Leach's are distinguished from Ashy Storm-petrels by their white rump patch, longer wings, and larger head and bill. We were confused by this little one because it had the while rump of a Leach's but its wing was too short and its head, bill and overall size were smaller than an Ashy. After consulting our books we determined that this was in fact an individual from a subspecies of Leach's that breeds on Guadalupe Island in Mexico! This is the first time we have documented this subspecies on the island and the first time it's been seen this far north in California. Not a bad night!
Day 79: Cassin's in a box
Cassin's auklets are one of the few species that are still in the midst of breeding right now. We had a very high rate of double brooding this year. After pairs raised one chick they decided it was so much fun they wanted to do it again so they started over. Many of these second broods are now hatching, and young chicks need to be fed. This photo was taken around 10:30pm and this Cassin's probably just came in to feed its chick in the nest box and is now hanging out near the entrance tube. Cassin's are very vocal at night and socialize quite a bit outside their burrow and boxes. Their calls have been described as sounding like crickets on steroids.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Day 78: Fish food
We had our last night of Rhinoceros Auklet netting tonight. That means we also processed our last fish. Rhinos bring in these fish to feed their chicks and we collect a sample of them to identify, measure and weigh. The species they bring back change every year and, in addition to the Murre and Guillemot diet data, gives us a good idea of what fish are available in the ocean in a given year. This year, Rhino's started out eating a lot of juvenile rockfish, a favorite seabird food, but then switched to Pacific Saury like the one Jen is measuring here. We have also seen a fair amount of squid.
Day 77: Tern around
I somehow missed yesterday's posting so you get two today. We were visited by some Elegant Terns yesterday. There was a small flock of them circling around just east of the island, making a ruckus. We are just now starting to see some more non-breeding species showing up so hopefully that trend continues. Our daily bird list has been woefully thin.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Day 76: Nighttime visitor
We had this unusual visitor show up in our net last night as we were netting for storm-petrels. Yes it's a storm-petrel but it's a species we've caught only a few times in 40 years, the last time was in 1992. As you bird folks may have guessed, it's a Fork-tailed Storm-petrel! We were super excited to get this guy. These birds typically breed much further north, from Washington to Alaska, but this bird did have bare brood patch. That is something breeding birds develop when they are incubating so perhaps this bird is breeding nearby? Non-breeders can have brood patches too so it's not definitive but it is intriguing.
7/29/11 Check out our latest Storm-petrel visitor here
7/29/11 Check out our latest Storm-petrel visitor here
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Day 75: Gull pack
Most of the gulls are done breeding now. Unfortunately, most of them failed. We have very few chicks on the island right now. Once they've failed, most gulls suddenly revert to the mild mannered birds they usually are. They stop defending their territories and begin to gather in large flocks on the terrace.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Day 74: Greenery
The island is in bloom again. All the late rain we've had means the island is surprisingly green for this time of year. Of course most of the plants currently blooming are not native to the island but the Farallon weed is making another go of it as well.
Day 73: Chickeroo
Because I just can't get enough of these guys, here's another Murre chick. This one is getting close to fledging but he's still got the spiky hairdo. In the evenings, the bigger chicks get very active, sitting up on rocks, flapping their wings, being generally very cute. And then one day, they or their father, decide it's time to go and they are off into the wide, wide ocean.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Day 72: Tail of a Whale
We've had some gorgeous weather this week. No wind, excellent visibility and the seas were flat. And then there were the whales. We've had fairly low numbers of cetaceans this year but they showed up with a vengeance a couple days ago. We had over a dozen blue whales, 40+ humpback whales, our resident gray whale, and a pod of Risso's dolphin's and northern right whale dolphins. All of these were observed from shore so I don't have any pictures but I do have a picture of us doing what we call "porching." It involves taking advantage of the good weather to hang out on the porch and watch the whales go by. There are worse ways to spend an evening.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Day 71: Name that rock
This is the view of the island from the West. Virtually every rock, ridge and mound on this island is named. Most were christened by the Coast Guard when they occupied the island but we've added a few of our own. The mound on the far left is Sugarloaf, the middle peak is Lighthouse Hill (the highest point on the island) then Maintop and Great Arch. And all the little peaks have names too. I spend most of my time on Corm Blind Hill, a smaller peak that from this angle blends in with Lighthouse Hill.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Day 70: Celebrity sighting
If there is a celebrity on the island, it's this bird. The Tufted Puffin is perhaps the one bird that everyone knows and wants to see when they visit. Is it the bright orange bill? The white face? The blond plumes? Whatever the attraction, this bird is attention grabbing. The Farallones are the southern limit of the breeding range for this species, with 100 - 200 nesting birds each year. We've had a few extremely calm days out here so we took the boat out yesterday for some buoy maintenance and to have a look around the island. I got this shot while we were out.
Day 69: Close call
Murre chicks are fledging right now. "Fledging" typically refers to when chicks leave the nest or become independent. In the case of murres, chicks leave the colony with their dads and spend up to several months at sea with their parent, being fed and learning how to find food. The unusual part is that they do this before they are fully developed. Chicks are less than half grown and can't yet fly when they are led to sea by their fathers. This makes them vulnerable when they are in the process of fledging. They have to make their way through thousands of murres to the water's edge where they often have to jump off a cliff to make it to the water. It's one of the most amazing events to watch. The male parent solicitously leading its offspring to the edge, jumping in the water and calling to it's chick until it finally works up the courage to jump. Gulls are constantly on the look out for these unprotected chicks so they have to make up their minds quickly. Even in the water they are not out of danger. Although the chicks know instinctively how to dive, gulls still occasionally grab them off the surface. The chick above dove several times before this gull finally nabbed it by a foot. The parent gave chase though and the gull eventually dropped the chick. The reunited pair made their way very quickly away from the island.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Day 68: Patrolling the Bay
Back on the island! Russ and I arrived back this morning courtesy of Laurie Chaikin on the Charleete II. Laurie and Charleete II (a lovely 45ft catamaran) are part of a group of skippers called the "Farallon Patrol." These skippers volunteer their time and their boats to bring supplies and people to and from the island, an essential service we are eternally grateful for. Laurie wanted to catch the ebb tide early this morning so we loaded our gear last night as stayed on board in Sausalito. It was a beautiful night in the bay and I couldn't resist getting my camera out. This is technically not a photo from the island but a patrol run is part of the Farallon experience so I thought I would include it.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Day 67: They grow up so fast
This is cheating a bit since it's really 6 pictures but they are all showing the same chick. This is a chick from one of our nest boxes. I took a picture of it every time it got weighed (every 5 days) until it fledged just a couple days ago so we could see the progression of its development. First picture is probably 5-7 days old so this chick fledged between 30-35 days old. As you can see, it was looking good, nice fresh feathers and a fantastic cowlick. Most chicks from the first attempts by Cassin's have fledged and a substantial number of those adults are now incubating eggs again, going for a second chick. This double brooding is rare among seabirds and Cassin's can only do it in the southern parts of their range.
Photo a day (and me) will be taking a two week break starting tomorrow. But never fear, I will return!
Photo a day (and me) will be taking a two week break starting tomorrow. But never fear, I will return!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Day 66: I love biology
No this is not a picture of Russ being swallowed whole by some unseen creature. He's checking what he calls the "I love biology" Rhino Auklet crevice in Rabbit Cave. The cave was carved out of the island eons ago when the sea level was higher. It is now well above the water line and Rhinoceros Auklets love to breed in it. So of course we have to monitor some of the accessible sites. Whether this site is accessible might be debatable. It gets it's name from the fact that you really have to love biology to squeeze your body headfirst down a sloping crevice and crane your neck as far as you can to the side in order to determine if the site is occupied. Today, Russ was able to see that it is in fact occupied by a downy Rhino Auklet chick.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Day 65: Neon sky
After the storm yesterday, the sunset turned the clouds an unreal shade of pink. Seriously, there is no color editing on this photo. Amazing.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 64: Soggy
More rain today to add to our record rainfall for June. Last time it rained though we didn't have any gull chicks. Today, there were many sad, soggy, gull chicks around the island. Most are too big to be incubated so they just had to suffer through it. And some didn't make it. We saw several chicks that looked like they had died from cold. Gulls are having a terrible year. Very few chicks are surviving and those that are still alive are probably in poor condition. Getting totally soaked was just too much for some.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Day 63: "Cruel of Beak and bottomless of maw"
I found this at the back of the house this morning. The gull didn't even notice me open the door to take this picture because the wing of its victim is blocking its eye. As you can see, it's grisly on the island right now. Lots of death by gull, even more than usual. The naturalist William Leon Dawson described the Western gull, and the destruction they wreak, much better than I can:
"Much that is good and all that is evil has gathered itself up into the Western Gull. He is rather the handsomest of the blue-mantled Laridae, for the depth of color in the mantle, in sharp contrast with the snowy plumage of back and breast, gives him an appearance of sturdiness and quality which is not easily dispelled by subsequent knowledge of the black heart within. As a scavanger, the Western Gull is impeccable. Wielding the besom of hunger, he and his kind sweep the beaches clean and purge the water-front of all pollution. But a scavanger is not necessarily a good citizen. Call him a ghoul, rather, for the Western Gull is cruel of beak and bottomless of maw. Pity, with him, is a thing unknown; and when one of their own comrades dies, these feathered jackals fall upon him without compunction, a veritable Leichnamveranderungsgebrauchsgesellschaft. If he thus mistreats his own kind, be assured that this gull asks only two questions of any other living thing: First, 'Am I hungry?' (Ans., 'Yes,') Second, 'Can I get away with it?' (Ans., 'I'll try.')"
"Much that is good and all that is evil has gathered itself up into the Western Gull. He is rather the handsomest of the blue-mantled Laridae, for the depth of color in the mantle, in sharp contrast with the snowy plumage of back and breast, gives him an appearance of sturdiness and quality which is not easily dispelled by subsequent knowledge of the black heart within. As a scavanger, the Western Gull is impeccable. Wielding the besom of hunger, he and his kind sweep the beaches clean and purge the water-front of all pollution. But a scavanger is not necessarily a good citizen. Call him a ghoul, rather, for the Western Gull is cruel of beak and bottomless of maw. Pity, with him, is a thing unknown; and when one of their own comrades dies, these feathered jackals fall upon him without compunction, a veritable Leichnamveranderungsgebrauchsgesellschaft. If he thus mistreats his own kind, be assured that this gull asks only two questions of any other living thing: First, 'Am I hungry?' (Ans., 'Yes,') Second, 'Can I get away with it?' (Ans., 'I'll try.')"
- William Leon Dawson, Birds of California, 1923
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Day 62: All day dietwatch #1
First all day murre dietwatch today. Most of us spent a good chunk of the day staring out one of these windows in the murre blind identifying the fish the murres were bringing into the study plot to feed their chicks. We're seeing a lot of Northern anchovy, juvenile rockfish, smelt, and lingcod this year.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Day 61: Rhino in the net
We completed our first session of Rhino netting tonight. A session consists of four nights of netting for Rhinoceros Auklets for about an hour each night. Rhinos come in just after dark to feed their chicks. They bring back a bill load of fish (they sometimes carry over ten fish at once!) and we set up a net to catch them and collect the fish so we can identify what they are eating/feeding their chicks. Katie is extracting a Rhino that has just hit the net (it didn't have any fish). It's pretty amazing to see what they are finding out there in the ocean and how that changes from year to year. We also band and measure the adults to look at adult survival and condition. They are don't move around much so we catch a lot of birds year after year at the same sites.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Day 60: Walking on water
Here's another shot from our boat survey the other day. Alcids, the family of seabirds that includes Common Murres, Cassin's Auklets, and this Pigeon Guillemot, have relatively short wings for their body size. This makes their wings ideal for propelling them underwater while diving, but doesn't make them so great in the air. In order to take off from the water, they have run along the surface for quite a ways to get up enough speed to lift off. It always makes me laugh to see them skittering across the surface.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Day 59: Chicklets
Pigeon Guillemot chicks are hatching. This is one of our followed sites that has two fresh chicks. PIGU chicks, like Rhinos and Casssin's Auklet chicks, get weighed every 5 days so we can track their development. Because the eggs typically hatch a few days apart, the fist chicks to hatch can often be much larger than its younger sibling. If the younger sibling can survive until the first chicks fledges, it will often gain weight rapidly to make up for lost time.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Day 58: Mini Murre
Murre chicks are hatching! These little guys have the cutest hairdos of frosted spikey down. Most chicks are still very small and are being constantly brooded by their parents. Murres feed their chicks by bringing back whole fish, carried lengthwise in their bills. Because the fish are visible, we can actually identify what they are feeding the chicks. The chicks are very good at scarfing down their meals as soon as they arrive so we have to identify the fish as they are flown in. We'll do this in daily two-hour shifts we call "diet watch." Feeding rates vary throughout the day so we also periodically do all day diet watches, dawn to dusk, involving everyone on the island doing multiple shifts throughout the day. This diet watch data is some of the most interesting data we collect. The proportions of different species in Murre diet changes every year and tells us a lot about how the fish populations are responding to the environment.
Day 57: Counting
Russ and I got out on the water today for a boat census. Not censusing boats, but doing a census from the boat. Last week, we did the land based census for cormorants (Brandt's and Pelagics). This is how we get our annual estimate of the breeding population and it's done by counting the number of birds sitting on well-built nests around the island. Unfortunately, there are some places we can't see from land so we have to go to the boat to count those areas. But counting birds from a boat is no easy task and requires good, calm conditions on the water. Today we had a break in the wind so we went for it. Conditions were a bit rougher than is ideal, but we managed to get the count in. And in between counts, I managed to get a picture of a Rhino on the water.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Day 56: Cute little Phoca
I found this little Harbor Seal pup (genus is Phoca) in hanging out next to an Elephant Seal in one of the gulches this morning. The Elephant Seal gives some sense of scale so you can see how tiny this little guy is. Harbor Seals pups are quite independent when they are young. They are frequently seen swimming and hauled out alone, without their mother, quite soon after they are born. But somehow they still manage to find mom again for their essential nourishment.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Day 55: Zaloafers
I saved the most numerous pinniped for last, the California Sea Lion (we call them by their genus name, Zalophus). This is a picture of the pile of sea lions that occurs daily at North Landing. It always amazes me that they are so tolerant of each other. They can sleep on, walk on, jump on, each other with very little distress. They do get barks of protest occasionally, but that never seems to faze them. We just saw our first Zalophus pups the other day. This time of year there can be several thousand adult Zalophus here, inevitably piled on top of each other around the island.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day 54: Band it
The little blue foot there is the foot of a mostly feathered Cassin's Auklet chick and it's about to get some jewelry. Once the chicks are nearly fully grown, they get an individually numbered leg band. This band will last their entire lifetime and it allows us to track this individual across years. If it returns to breed as an adult, the band number tells us how old the bird is. These known-age birds are especially valuable since they allow us to answer questions about how survival and reproduction change with age and how many young and old birds there are in the current population.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Day 53: Stellar Steller
Another non-bird island resident, Steller's Sea Lion. The Farallones are one of the southern most breeding rookeries for this endangered pinniped, most of their significant colonies are in Alaska. Numbers here are low, between 100-200 individuals at the most, so we don't often get close looks at them. This male and immature were hanging out at North Landing, relatively close allowing me to get this picture.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Day 51: Moon wing
Today was National Nature Photography day (according to the North American Nature Photographers Association). Everyone was supposed to take a camera somewhere the could walk or bike to and take a picture. Fortunately, I happen to have some wildlife outside my door. It is a full moon tonight so I went out to catch the moonrise. This gull obligingly opened it's wings in front of the rising moon while I was shooting.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Day 50: Crypto chick
The first Black Oystercatcher chicks were spotted yesterday. Oystercatcher chicks are the most precocious of the Farallon seabirds, ready to run practically as soon as they are out of the egg. They are also born knowing what to do when their parents are alarmed: run and hide. Because of this they are very hard to photograph. I spent a good amount of time hiding behind a ridge, attempting to get a good photo of the chicks. This was the best I got. This pair has three chicks but I only saw one at a time. Their cryptic coloring helps protect them from the marauding gulls but doesn't make them stand out in a photograph
Monday, June 13, 2011
Day 49: The other Cormorant
There are other cormorants on the island besides Brandt's Cormorant. I tend to forget that sometimes. This is one of the other common cormorant species, the Pelagic Cormorant. Distinguished from Brandt's by their white rump patches, skinnier neck, red face, and beautiful purple iridescence on their neck. These are cliff dwelling birds, building their nests on small ledges on the cliff faces and leaving the flat areas to the Brandt's. Pelagics out here tend to have a boom or bust breeding cycle: they either do really well, or fail completely, very little in between. They started laying late this year, like many species, and numbers are low but they seem to be sticking around.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Day 48: Today's forecast--Windy
The weather box plays an important role in island life. This houses our official thermometer and off to the left, at the end of the boardwalk, is our rain gauge. PRBO staff have been collecting weather data multiple times a day for over 40 years and the US Coast guard was recording the weather many years before that. Today we record essential weather data three times a day, continuing to add to this incredible long-term data. Once a day we also record the 24 hour precipitation and sea surface temperature. These days, sea surface temperature increasingly collected via special satellites but the remote sensing time series in many cases do not extend back more than 20 years making the hand collected data prior to that very valuable. I for one am very grateful to all the people who have collected this data over the years, making it possible for me to use it in some of my current research.
Day 47: Tight sqeeze
I've been seeing this Pigeon Guillemot popping in and out of this crevice for the past few weeks. It's just on the way up to the cormorant blind where I do most of my fieldwork. Today I took a peek in there and noticed a bird incubating but one of it's eggs has been kicked to the front of the crevice. This may or may not have been on purpose. Guillemots can lay up to two eggs per clutch but in poor years the second eggs is just insurance in case something happens to the first. If both chicks hatch in a poor year, the second one frequently dies or is kicked out. It's a bit too early to tell what this year will bring for guillemot chicks.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Day 46: Fluff muffin
We're starting to get a few Rhinoceros Auklet chicks now. They have some of the most luxurious down of any chicks. It's so thick it can be nearly impossible to see their eyes. Bonus points if you can find them on this chick. Hatching Rhino chicks means the adults are now bringing fish back to the colony at night to feed them and we will soon be sampling these fish. More on that when it happens.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Day 45: Blending in
Ever feel like you stick out in a crowd? Desperately trying to blend in and go unnoticed? I bet that's what this Pelican feels like. I found this immature Brown Pelican hanging out on the water catchment pad (also known as the gull bachelor pad) with a crowd of gulls. It didn't seem to notice that it was about twice the size of it's neighbors. We've only recently started seeing pelicans cruising around again. They've all been down south breeding so showing up here means they must be finishing up.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Day 44: The Emperor's Bathtub
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Day 43: Bird on a pole
Our landbird wave was short lived. Just a couple Western Wood Pewee like this one, a couple Wilson's Warblers, and a Yellow Warbler stayed today. We did have six new Eurasian Collared Doves. We now have a small flock flying around, tempting the Peregrine.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Day 42: Yellow things
Landbird wave today! We haven't had many little birds here this spring so any influx seems like a wave. We ended up with 25 species on our bird list today, including 10 of these little Wilson's Warblers. It's fun to see little yellow birds buzzing around the trees. We're Ashy netting tonight so this is a short post.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Day 41: Gull, gull, goose
Yes this picture was taken on the Farallones, and yes, those are Canada Goose goslings. That's right, for first time ever, there are a pair of breeding Canada Geese here that appear to be holding their own against the gulls. Last year we had the first ever recorded breeding attempt by Canada Geese but the nest failed. This year we had two pairs attempt to nest and one has managed to hang on to two goslings. They are quite large now, too big to be at risk from the gulls, and they appear to be doing well. I've been trying to get a decent picture of them for weeks but they are quite wary and keep a good distance from us. This is the best I've managed to get so far. Perhaps if I get a better one I'll post again but this will have to do for now.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Day 40: Rain?
We've been experiencing some crazy weather here. Last night and this morning we had record breaking rainfall, just over an inch in total. In one 24 hour period, we more than doubled the previous record for the entire month of June (according to PRBO records since 1969). Most of the birds seemed to have weathered the unusual storm fairly well, with perhaps a few Murre eggs lost due to the rain. The wind was also strong from the east, leading to some big waves and spray on the east side of the island, very unusual for this time of year. Neither of our boat landings are sheltered from that direction so we had to cancel the boat that was scheduled for today. Luckily it was only put off for a day so we should have our fresh food tomorrow.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Day 39: It's so fluffy
Just when we thought the island was loud, the gull chicks started to hatch. And the volume kicked up another notch. Even the gulls still on eggs take the cue and scream with increased urgency. The gull chicks are polka dot, very similar coloring to the eggs they just came out of, and they blend in surprisingly well. They are so cute at this stage that you can't help but melt a little whenever you see them. Still, it's a gull eat gull world out there (literally) and the earliest chicks often disappear quickly despite their camouflage.
Day 38: PIGU party
The Pigeon Guillemot are finally laying eggs. After a very slow start, the last two checks have turned up many new eggs. Pigeon Guillemots (PIGU is their four letter id code so we call them "Pee-goos") breed in rock crevices and some seem to like the nest boxes we put out for them. They lay 1 or 2 speckled eggs and spend a lot of time socializing and chasing each other outside their crevices. They seem to particularly enjoy showing off their bright red gapes to each other.
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